Fae – Light

The name Fae encompasses a number of beings, some of which, Elves for example, are covered elsewhere. Here is an account of various other Light Fae of Dee, that is to say, those that do not wish evil upon others, though often they may be mischievous. In Irish and Celtic tradition they belong to the ‘Seelie’ Court of Fae. Seelie means ‘blessed’ or ‘holy’, and the word is the predecessor of the word ‘silly’, which suggests happy, harmless and beneficial. Some are known to sometimes interact with humans in a benign or even mutually beneficial way, to warn those who accidentally offend them, and to return human kindness with favours of their own. Nevertheless they will avenge insults and can be prone to mischief. They are all creatures of Gaia, elemental in nature. They speak the common tongue and most (except brownies) prefer to live in a natural environment.  Fae will rarely tell you their true name, as to know their name is to have power over them.

True fae are immortal souls which, if their mortal body perishes, are reborn in a new fae body.  They may be able to recall past lives. Like elves, once adult they do not show signs of ageing.

((While all of the Fae here listed are welcome in Dee, we reserve the right to ask any to change their appearance if it is inappropriate, cartoonlike, or out of keeping with the theme of the land.))

The Faeries are the traditional elusive winged creatures of the tales, often diminutive in size. There are males and females, and they are usually beautiful, fair skinned, often, though not always, fair haired. They like to dress in flowing delicate fabrics, or in very little at all, and decorate themselves with flowers and leaves (bits must be covered, as per the rules of Dee). Their wings often resemble those of butterflies or other insects.

Pixies are similar to faeries, though they may be wingless. They like to be closer to humans and are well known for playing tricks upon them.  They are often scruffy in appearance, and can be obsessive about ‘finery’, being much taken with finds such as pieces of ribbon, or buttons.

* Faeries and Pixies may use ‘fairy dust’, which has magical power with a range of effects according to the skills of the user.

A brownie is a wingless fae, small in size, and resembling a short, stocky elf. They like to live in unused parts of human houses, and do domestic tasks at night when the owners are asleep. They don’t like to be seen, but will accept gifts of food, especially porridge and honey, but become offended if the gifts are referred to as payment for their services.
They wear practical clothes, similar to human peasant clothing, and like hats.

These woodland creatures are, in form, half human and half goat; having the body of a human (though with goat horns on their heads) and the legs, scrubby tail and hooves of a goat. They are NOT winged. Their skin is usually tanned, and their hair reddish or shades of brown; the males are normally bearded.  They have little need of clothing, being largely covered in hair, but use natural material: vines, ivy, leather, to decorate and protect themselves. Satyrs are described as roguish but faint-hearted folk – subversive and dangerous, yet shy and cowardly. They inhabit remote or wild places. They love music and wine, and are ready for all physical pleasures.

These are nature elementals – spirits of water or trees. They live in the wilds and never mix with human society. They are pure creatures of Gaia, being in effect part of the natural environment.


In legend these are all Fae who are considered to have high ideals and be honourable, wise and benevolent. This does not mean they are ‘nice’.  They are amoral, and do not share the mortal ideas of morality. They may see nothing wrong with taking that which is not theirs, even to taking a married person as a lover, or stealing away babies. They are bound by any oath, however, as that is a matter of honour.

– Night vision. They see well in relative darkness.
– Speed and agility – they move more swiftly than humans
– An affinity with the natural environment, thus good at stealth and camouflage
– Flight, if winged
– An affinity with natural magic – all fae are magical beings (but all magic rp must take Dee magic into consideration)

– Iron and steel
– In most cases, shy and distrustful of other races, hiding and avoiding them
– Often illiterate
– Poor fighters
– Depending on size, highly sensitive to noises – the smaller they are, the more distressing they find loud sounds
– In the case of Satyrs (Fauns), addicted to music, merriment, drunkenness and womanizing; which distracts them from any serious business at hand
– They can be commanded by any who know their true name

Group: Hini Tel’kemen’Fae